Event Date
Monday, 19 August 2013 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Event Location
Saint Stephen's
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As suggested at the last Old City Traders’ & Business meeting, the team behind the new “Old City Heritage Trail” would like to invite you all to a “test-walk” of the proposed new walking route on Monday, 19th August, 6pm, meet at Saint Stephen’s.
The walk will provide an opportunity for you to find out exciting facts about Old City you might have never expected, and it will provide an opportunity for the team (Bristol Civic Society, Centrespace and Saint Stephen’s) to get your feedback and iron-out any issues with the proposed walk and leaflet.
We will have a brief introduction at Saint Stephen’s before heading off together along the new trail. We expect to be back at Saint Stephen’s by about 7.30pm for a brief feedback session.