Old City traders and businesses will be feeling proud this week having been nominated for a national award.
Their entry in the Place Making Awards 2013, in the category 'Partnership Working', highlights them as a shining example of what can be achieved by pulling together as a team.
The Old City Traders' & Businesses Group initiated and facilitated constructive partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of Old City and developing a strong identity for the area.
First the group developed a close working relationship between the local businesses themselves, supporting each other and working together, before reaching out to a wide range of stakeholders, including the City Council, Destination Bristol and the Police, to engage in a positive dialogue and facilitate the initiation of projects and support.
Most of the activities are funded through pro bono support from local businesses and small grants.
Many of the improvements have only just been kick-started and the full extent of the work will increase and develop over time.
Old City Traders can expect to hear early December if they are shortlisted for the next stage. The Awards are due to take place at the end of January 2014.