Mat North from Full Court Press - Specialist Coffees has been in contact with Sally and Sara from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund with regards to a scheme they have been running with
local business'
The scheme places emergency Cycle repair kits in sites to encourage employees not only to cycle to work but to help keep them on the road.
As far as Mat North is aware up until now they have been placed in single office. FCP have agreed to take one on for the use of the traders in the Old City area.
Mat says "It runs on an honesty/replacement basis, with the parts and tools free for use to be replaced by the user in due course. I'll be keeping a log with names and numbers to ensure that the parts are replaced for use by other traders".
Available are:
Inner tubes,
Puncture repair kit,
Oil and grease,
selected tools and spanners for basic jobs,
a spare D-lock
Spare Hi-Viz vest
Track stand Pump ( which we will keep upstairs in the shop for easy use.)
Obviously this is not meant to replace proper servicing by local traders such as Roll For The Soul or Chaos Cycles, but it is there for those little emergencies.
What a great idea.